Form of Government:
Mayor and City Council
Government Location:
City Hall, 536 Dwight Street
Holyoke MA 01040
(413) 322-5520
Fax: (413)322-5521
Registered Voters:
19,991 (4/1/02)
Residential Tax Rate (FY'02)
$16.73 per $1,000 Residential Valuation
$37.12 per $1,000 Commercial/Industrial Tax Rate
Assessed Valuation (FY'02):
Total: $1,382,102,365
Population: 39,379
Number of Households: 15,045
Median Household Income: $31,976
Median House Value: $127,313
Total Area: (square miles): 22.8
Area (Acres): 14,586
Average Minimum Temp.: 38
Average Annual Temp.: 46.7
Average Maximum Temp.: 56
General Employment:
Government: 4,097
Construction: 595
Communications: 960
Manufacturing: 3,892
Wholesale/Retail: 6,993
Finance/Insurance: 743
Services: 6,800
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing: 78
TOTAL: 24,158
(2000 Data, Commonwealth of Mass.,
Division of Employment & Training)