Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce
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Mission & Objectives

What We Do

Chamber Committees and Affiliates

Chamber Staff

Board of Directors

Tutor Program


The Chamber works to promote the community’s assets and to build a positive perception of Holyoke both inside and outside the city, frequently collaborating with other groups in a team effort. Growing in activity and importance is the work of the Holyoke Tourism Committee, which is planning its third year of the “Holyoke on the March” promotion. That project includes production of a 20,000-piece glossy flyer highlighting the St. Patrick’s Parade, other March events, and hospitality properties, and distributed in a three-state area. That effort will continue, as the committee works to develop group tour business focused on the parade in 2004.

The Chamber is the advocate for business at the local and state levels. Delving into issues, working in coalitions with other organizations, and communicating with legislators is an ongoing effort. Tax classification, along with a variety of issues involving city government organization, funding, and efficiency make up the current local agenda. The budget of the Commonwealth, along with perennial issues regarding Unemployment Insurance, Workers Comp, Paid Family Leave and emerging economic issues comprise the issue focus of the Governmental Affairs Committee.

The 12-year-old Holyoke Tutor/Mentor Program continues to grow under the auspices of the Chamber. The program trains volunteer tutors who assist adult learners enrolled in English as a Second Language and Adult Basic Education in Holyoke agencies. Primary funding is from the Mass. Department of Transitional Assistance.

Resources to support the education, training, and workforce development programs of the Chamber are housed within the Greater Holyoke Chamber Centennial Foundation, Inc., a 501c3 organization. Tax-deductible contributions may be made to the Foundation at any time.

The Human Resources Council works to assist employers, managers, and human resources professionals in the sharing of information through a series of bimonthly HR Employer Roundtables, and through human resources seminars during the year.

Leadership training is also a long-time focus of the Chamber. Leadership Holyoke trains approximately 20 individuals each year in leadership skills, community resources, and volunteer opportunities. Youth Leadership Holyoke works with a group of sophomores each year to familiarize them with the workings of their city, its businesses, and assets, and provides them with motivation and training to assume leadership positions in volunteer organizations.

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