04/30/02 - Iodine Launches New Site:
It's about damn time! For the past few months we have been hard at work getting the new site together,
that just plain rules. As you can plainly see the new layout is easy to navigate and informative...
Most importantly it's actually pretty to look at. We will be adding some new sections in the near future,
including a photo section.
04/29/02 - Iodine Birthday Fest:
We would just like to send out thanks out to all of those who attended the 2nd Iodine Fest. It was
everything we hoped for, so thanks to all the bands and those who helped out, especially all the X-Haus
kids who were terrified of being evicted. We will get some pictures up soon, so if you didn't make it
you can see what you missed!
04/28/02 - Orange Island Joins Divit Tour:
Orange Island has just confirmed a full US tour with Nitro Record's DIVIT from California. The
tour will start on June 10th in Los Angeles, CA and will bring them to all points in the south
and south west, back up the east coast. Dates will be posted soon. you can check out Divit at:
04/27/02 - Gregor Samsa and Nationale Blue Tours Announced:
Both Gregor Samsa and The Nationale Blue have announced that they will be touring this summer. Gregor Samsa
hits the road in July with Lovitt Records' Bats and Mice, then will head out on an east coast tour solo.
The Nationale Blue is in the process of booking a full US tour to take place in July, more details soon...
04/27/02 - Orange Island Contributes to Cancer Benefit:
Orange Island will be featured on an upcoming compilation titled "With Love" on Rock Out Records. The proceeds of
the compilation are being donated for cancer research. Other artists included are: The Starting Line, Big Wig,
Lawrence Arms, Junction 18, The RX Bandits, Glasseater, and many more... Fore more information visit:
04/27/02 - Video Killed the Radio Star:
Brand New and Garrison have both just finished producing music videos. Brand New shot their first video at this
year's Skate and Surf Festival in New Jersey for the song "Jude Law and a Semester Abroad". Garrison's
video was shot in their practice space in Boston for the song "Don't Feel Bad." We will try to have
both videos available for download when we can get our hands on them.
04/26/02 - Brand New Long Island Show Cancelled:
We are sorry and sad to say that the Brand New homecoming show was cancelled due to over selling the club.
Brand New is planning on rescheduling the show for August. Keep and eye out for more information...
04/25/02 - Gregor Samsa Recording Finished:
Gregor Samsa has just finished recording the follow up to their debut EP. The music on this record are beyond
words, it's something you need to experience for yourself. The new release will be available at the end of the
summer. In the meantime the Gregor Samsa EP will be available in just a few short weeks.
04/24/02 - Brand New Across America:
Brand New is heading out on their first full US tour which will bring them to the west coast and back. The boys
will be out with Drive Thu's The Starting Line, and Finch. For a list of tour dates jump over to the tours section.